Simulation Model Development
Solving complex problems in business, finance, and engineering.
Creation of models from scratch or conversion of legacy models (e.g., black box, spreadsheets) into user friendly dynamic probabilistic simulations with graphical user interfaces.
Certified GoldSim Solutions Provider and Trainer.
Development of system-level models to verify/validate more complex process-level models.
Integration and abstraction of process models.
Expert Independent Review
Assessment of your quality assurance, model verification/validation, and documentation.
Independent technical review of your modeling/analyses.
Independent verification (if needed).
Assessement of calibration, testing, and sensivity.
Identification of errors, omissions or inadequate technical basis before regulatory review or implementation.
Expert Advice
Model quality assurance procedures (verification, validation, backtesting).
Development of experimental programs.
Regulation and guidance development.
Use of surrogates and analogs.
Methods to decompose and understand models.
Presentation of materials to diverse stakeholders with different competencies.
Pre- and Post-Closure Safety Assessment Model Development
Development of models for radioactive waste disposal (near-surface, intermediate, deep geologic), complex decommissioning sites, uranium mining and milling, and operational safety assessments.
Production of tools to facilitate reviews by regulatory bodies.
Certified GoldSim Solutions Provider and Trainer.
Integration and abstraction of process models for waste release, engineered barrier degradation, cover performance (resistive and evapotranspiration), colloid generation and transport, unsaturated and saturated flow and transport, atmospheric transport, disruptive events and processes, cement degradation, and coupled processes.
Technical Review
Independent review of safety assessments, technical analyses, decommissioning plans, site remediation plans, and waste management strategies.
Expert review of your documentation prior to regulatory submittal.
Independent peer review of procedures and management systems.
Thorough and fast independent peer review.
Regulations and Guidance
Development and review of regulations for waste disposal, waste management, and safety assessment.
Development of technical guidance for implementation of regulations.
Review of regulations for consistency with IAEA and other Member State standards.
Implementation of risk-informed, performance-based regulations and guidance.
Areas of Interest
Because I have been involved in system modeling most of my life, my areas of expertise are diverse and includes anything that is complicated and interesting, for example: deterministic and probabilistic simulation, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses, optimization, static and dynamic simulation, coupled processes, integration of submodels, abstraction, model verification and validation, quality assurance, and management systems.
For business I have experience (and am interested) in making businesses more profitable through analyses and simulation (margins, costs, reliability, external economic influences, discrete hazards and events). I am especially interested in helping businesses grow and perform better. In finance, I am interested in modeling of stocks, options, and credit risk (especially for small and medium-sized institutions), portfolio optimization, interest rates, currencies, stochastic volatility, and bringing mortality (health) into financial planning.
In science and engineering, I have experience in most aspects of the performance of nuclear systems including safety and risk assessment, engineered barrier performance and degradation, colloid generation and transport, unsaturated and saturated hydrology and contaminant transport, wasteform performance and degradation, biosphere modeling, features, events, and processes, scenario development and assessment, disruptive events, natural hazards and climate, evapotransipiration and conventional covers, erosion assessment and control, radiation damage, radiolysis, corrosion, geochemistry, impacts of biota, and many, many more areas.
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